Dark Music DJs
We’re looking for edgy risk takers who can push us off the edge. All genres and bpms are welcome as long as the vibes are dark.

We’re building a public networking hub between artists, venues, and promoters. Perform at one of our events, or simply promote yourself by adding your info to our public DJ directory at the form linked below.
Join Our Public DJ Directory

Speakeasies, Clubs, Roofs, Lofts, Warehouses, etc

As promoters we love the art of creating unique promo strategies for different venues and cultures. As long as we can promote dark music, our community will show up.

We’re creating a directory of venues so that we deliver a greater variety of experiences for our community. We prefer comfortable club amenities with a stomach for dark tastes that go until 4am+, but we’re also rugged when necessary for DIY venues.
Venue Directory (coming soon)
Promoters, Content Creators, Hosts, etc.
We’re building an inner community of fellow dark culture enthusiasts who want to help us spread the word about our events in exchange for commission and other random perks. Promoters with their own artistic projects in search of mutual exposure are especially welcome.
Join Our Promoter Community