“When you stare at the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.” SLIST exists as a channel for engaging with life’s darker aspects and finding meaning in the chaos of the human experience, even if it’s uncomfortable. We pursue this by championing quality dark music and art on a global scale—not just promoting and curating, but also uniting every dark art community, regardless of genre, into one macro-community.

We seek to unify our artistic vision, tastes, and community into something unmistakable and comprehensive— an entity that truly knows itself and dares to be itself, regardless of misunderstanding, negativity, or condescension. SLIST is to be a leviathan in which every part of its organization works in tandem to form a structured, functional whole. Every action we take, no matter how small, will serve a larger narrative.

We want people from all walks of life to come together in appreciation of our core medium. We believe in its cultural value and act as a mediator to connect people with the art, so real congregation can happen. We’re not a niche online clique of “edgelords” but a community with something to say—a positive vision born of an existential void.

How do we achieve this?